O/o The Accountant General (A&E), Haryana Chandigarh.

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Friday, 6 September 2013


                                                                                                             No. HCAA/13-14/23
                                                                                                             Date:  05/09/2013

              Principal Accountant General (A&E)
      Haryana, Chandigarh.

Sub:      Transparency of posting and transfer of staff.
Venerated Sir,
With due regards and respect we want to state that there is no transparency in the posting and Transfer policy adopted by Administration while making the recently and past posting and transfer orders.
It has been  found that  most of the Transfers are being  made on the basis of pick and choose and   with favouritism and nepotism and even has  been observed  that most of the transfers are made from entitlement wing to entitlement wing vis-à-vis  Pension wing v/s GPF Wing. Whereas there are so many people who are highly obliged by the administration by posted in Admin wing, works wing and accounts wing since their date of appointment and not posted in Entitlement wings even till date. The transfers made in pension wing are also reversed within few days without any valid and specific reasons which create the resentment and frustration among the rest of staff. It was reiterated by the Association in each meeting that while issuing transfer orders no pick and choose policy should be adopted. Administration should formulate some policy pursuant to instructions of Hqrs Office no official should be kept in the same wing for a period exceeding five years, except in exceptional circumstances and with the specific orders of Accountant General. Further, no one should be allowed to continue in sensitive jobs beyond three years and he /she should not be brought back to such job (MSO Admn. Vol-I and circular NGE-92/87 dated 17.11.1987, No.479/GE.II/7-2004 dated 25.03.2004.
Therefore we humble request to instruct the concerned quarter to make the transfer orders on the basis of merit and formulate such policy by which each and every staff member knows the working of every wing of this office. So that he becomes omniscient in all the respects of the job assignments and we may not be dependent of any particular person for particular job so that we may not need/ hire any particular person after his/her retirement for any particular work in the presence of highly qualified and efficient workers in the office.
Thanking You.

                                                                                                  Yours faithfully 
                                                                                                   SOHAN LAL
                                                                                   General Secretary
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