O/o The Accountant General (A&E), Haryana Chandigarh.

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Thursday, 9 August 2012

 In the lunch hour a marvelous and well organized General House Meeting of Haryana Civil Accounts Association was held in front of office gate on 08.08.2012 at 13.01 hrs to aware the members regarding CWC meeting was held on 27th & 28th of July-2012. Com. Sohan Lal Gen. Secy proposed the agenda of meeting and com. Com. Gurparshad, Com. Vajender Negi explained the achievments of Association and rececntly arising problems at the local level and they strongly condemed the administration for the behaviour adopted towards the staff. Com. Shamsher Singh Gen. Secy AAO Association louded the details of CWC meeting who attended the same with com Sushil Kumar Sharma president of Haryana Civil Accounts Association. Com. Sushil Kumar Sharma bring a resolution before the house to enhanced the membership subscription with Rs.15/- but the house louded for enhancing the same for Rs.20/- which show the sentiments of members towards their beloved Association.
"we members of Haryana Civil Accounts Association unenimeously resoved that the monthly membership of our Association may be enhanced from Rs.5/- to Rs.20/- w.e.f. August-2012"
 Com. Shushil Kumar Sharma also condemded the unethical attitute of the adminstration who is imposing pressure on the staff to perform more even for doing the odd jobs with providing any prescribed work norms. 

Friday, 27 July 2012

March To Parliament on 26th July 2012

At the Call of the Confederation of CG Employees and Workers, thousands of Central Government Employees belonging to all affiliates of Confederation reached Delhi and demonstrated before the Parliament on 26th July 2012.

The Massive March to Parliament is organised to demand implementation of 15 Point Charter of Demands including Constitution of 7th Central Pay Commission to revise the wages from 1.1.2011; Merger of 50% DA with Basic Pay; Five Promotions to every Employee in the entire career; Regularisation of three lakhs of GDS in Postal Department; Regularisation of Casual labourers; Compassionate Appointment etc.

Comrade S.K.Vyas President Confederation presided over the Rally. Comrades Basudev Acharya M.P; Tapen Sen CITU General Secretary and M.P; Amarjit Kaur AITUC All India leader; M.S.Raja Secretary General All India Audit & Accounts Association; K.Ragavendran Working President Confederation; addressed the Rally.

Comrade K.K.N.Kutty Secretary General Confederation addressed and explained the details of the National Secretariat Meeting and declared that there will be an All India Strike action on 12.12.2012 to win the 15 Point Charter of Demands if within three months the Government failed to accept our demands.

A Memorandum to Honourable Prime Minister of India containing all the 15 Points of Charter of Demands with all the justification was finalised by the National Secretariat has been submitted to the Prime Minister on behalf of the Confederation. Full text of the Memorandum will be shortly placed in our website.

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Congratulations on Cricket match winning

Hearty Congratulations to our cricket team for their win in semi final match on A.G. Delhi with outstanding and sensible performance overall. Best wishes for the final match with A.G. Punjab on 26 May 2012. May God bless our team and all us.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Constitution of Association


        The name of the organisation will be "Haryana Civil Accounts Association" hereinafter called "Association". Members will include Supervisors/Sr. Accountants/Accountants/Record-keepers/Clerks/G.Operators/Staff Car Drivers/Sr. P.As/Stenos/Manager Type etc. and Group "D'.
a)        To unify the Non-Gazetted employees of the office of the Accountant General (A&E) Haryana, Chandigarh Under the aegis of the said organisation.
b)        To safeguard and promote interest which are common to the members of the Association.
c)        To work for the improvement of the Indian Accounts and to render efficient service to the nation.
d)        To provide assistance to members and sister Association in distress and to receive similar assistance from sister Association under similar circumstances.
e)        To foster and co-ordinate the growth of social and cultural activities for the betterment and efficiency of the staff.
f)          To secure adequate representation for the Association on all commissions, committees etc. appointed by Government and or local authorities effecting the interest of the employees.
g)        To associate or be associated with organizations having kindered objects and subjects of common interest.
h)        To do all such things in a constitutional manner as are incidental and conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any one of them.
i)          The Association shall affiliate itself with All India Audit and Accounts Association and carry out all its directions covered under the scope of the aims and objects specified above.
      Members of the staff of the office mentioned in Memorandum shall be eligible to be the members of the Association and shall automatically deem to discontinue on his/her ceasing to belong to that category.
      The office of the Association shall be situated at Chandigarh.
      General House shall be composed of the members of the Association present and voting and who have given letter of authorisation.
  Executive Committee of the Association would consist of not more than 5% of the total strength of membership of the Association including President & General Secy. Who would be elected. Office bearers and other members would be nominated by the President on the advice of the General Secy.
  Casual vacancies in the Executive Committee may be filled in by the President on the advice of the General Secy. And if any elected office bearer is away from Headquarters his office may be temporarily filled in by a majority decision of Executive Committee. 
a)      All the members of the Association shall be qualified to become office bearers.
b)      The President & General Secy. shall be directly elected by the members of the Association by simple majority.
c)      The outgoing Executive Committee shall secure directions and make necessary arrangements.
a)      The decision on all or any matter shall be taken by a simple majority.
b)      All matters of importance shall be referred to the House.
c)      The quorum in meeting of Executive body as well as General House shall be 51% of the membership or 2/3rd of those present and voting whichever is more.
d)      Proper record of the proceedings shall be maintained.
e)      In all matters of procedure, the ruling given by the President shall be final.
      The President will preside over the meetings of the Executive Committee and General House when present, guide the Executive committees achieve the ends fixed by the General House and render such help as sought by the Executive Committee.
In the absence of the President, the Vice-President will discharge the duties of the President.
i)          The General Secretary will be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and shall carry out in full the mendates of the Executive Committee and General House.
ii)         The Accounts of the Association and make payments, duly authorized by the general Secretary, on behalf of the Association. The treasurer shall submit accounts to the Executive committee duly audited by an Auditor appointed by General House, through the General Secretary. The copies of Audited accounts of a financial year shall be displayed on Notice Board and sent to Admn. By July of the next year. The funds of the Association over Rs.50/- shall remain in the custody of the treasurer which will e deposited in a post office Saving Bank or any Nationalised Bank in the name of the Association operating jointly by the General Secretary and the Treasurer.
The Joint Secretary shall carry out the duties assigned to him by the Executive and General Secretary and shall act as General Secretary in the absence of General Secretary.
a)                  The funds of the Association will be derived from the membership for which Rs.5/- per member, per month may be deducted from the payroll of the member employees.
a)                  At least one meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held in each month. The general Secy. shall be competent to convene the meeting after consultation with the President and at least twenty four hours prior notice shall be given to the members present in the office.
b)                  General House Meeting shall be convened by the General Secy. After consultation with the President as and when needed and at least two days notice should be given to members. Agenda of meeting will be sent in advance.
c)                  In emergent cases the General Secy. and or President shall be competent to convene meeting of the Executive Committee and or General House with a sufficient notice period.
      The Executive Committee will function for a period of two years and the new election shall be held within three months of completion of two years. After expiry of 3 months the office Bearers will cease to be duly elected representatives of the Association.
a)      The members of the association will have a right to move non-confidence motion against all or any of the office bearers.
b)      The motion duly signed by not less than 10% of the total membership shall be presented to the President who shall cause it to be laid before General House within fifteen days of the Presentation of the motion.
c)      Not less than one week notice shall be given for convening the General House for consideration of the motion which shall be considered as carried out if it is supported by not less than two thirds of the members present and voting or 51% of the total membership of Association whichever is more.
a)      The General House is the supreme body of the Association and its decision is binding upon all members of the Association including office bearers.
b)      Any amendment in the constitution/by laws of the service association after its recognition under the CCS(RSA) Rules, 1993 shall be made only with the prior approval of the C.A.G. of India after it is approved by not less than 51% of the total membership or 2/3rd of the members present and voting whichever is more.
c)      The General House shall be competent to issue appropriate directions to meet with the unforeseen and emergent circumstances and the direction so issued shall have the same force as other clauses in constitution have.
d)      The members shall have a right to demand to convening of General House through a requisition signed by not less than 15% of the total membership of the Association. The requisition shall be presented to the President who shall cause it to be complied with within seven days time.
      The Association is empowered to send maximum ten members as Delegates for Annual General Conference of All India Body.
      The Accounting perod of the Association shall commence from 1st April to 31st March, next year.
      THE Association would abide by the previsions of rule-6 of CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993 (a to i).

SUSHIL KUMAR SHARMA                                                         SOHAN LAL
President                                                                                          General Secretary

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Letter for providing welfare facilities to the staff.

O/o The Principal A.G. (A&E), Haryana Chandigarh.
Email: hcaaflag@gmail.com Website: hcaa-chd.blogspot.com

No. HCAA/12-13/13
Dated: 25-Apr-2012

            The Dy. Accountant General
           O/o The Principal A.G. (A&E),
            Haryana, Chandigarh.

Sub:     Welfare facilities for the office employees during summer season.
      With due respect and regards we would like to draw your kind attention towards the problems being faced by the employees of this office at their workplace.
(i)                 AC’s installed in the pension wing are  inadequate which are unable to make the place cozy and put lot of hindrances to perform the duty better and better and even fans are also inadequate to meet the demand.
(ii)               In the pension wing as and when there is breakdown of electricity, the whole area gets suffocated and un-cozy.
(iii)             Pension wing is on the top floor and needs curtains/blind to prevent the direct sun heat.
(iv)             ACs installed in the GPF Computer Cell & VLC floors are emitting intolerable heat instead of cool air even some ACs are not in working condition.
(v)               There are many sections in the Accounts and Fund wings where ceiling fans are not sufficient for each seat. Furthermore require bracket and pedestal fans
(vi)             There is scarcity of Hot-Cases in the office building for example for 80 people in pension wing there is a solitary hot-case which is not even in working condition for a pretty long time.
(vii)           Ladies common room in pension building has been converted into store room which was temporarily closed at the time of visit of worthy CAG of India.
(viii)         Abatement measures may please be taken regularly to avoid Mosquito menace in the sections.
(ix)             The uninterrupted supply of clean/filtered and cold running water during the season is indispensable.
It is being besought to please look into these problems personally and relieve
off this mental agony which we normally face in summers and sanguinely hope that this will be resolved at the earliest.

Thanking you.

                                                (SOHAN LAL)
                                                   General Secretary.

Departmental Canteen Committee.

List of following names have been intimated to Welfare Officer for new Departmental Canteen Committee from staff side who will participate in all meetings of Canteen Committee.
1.     Sh.  Sushil Kumar Sharma     Sr. Accountant
2.     Sh.  Davinder Singh               Sr. Accountant
3.     Smt. Nita Singh                     Sr. Accountant
4.     Sh.   Ram Singh                     M.T.S.
        If Sh. Sushil Kumar Sharma (President) will not present on day of meeting, Sh. Sohan Lal (Gen. Secretary) will be participated for the same.
       All staff members are requested to contact above committee members for any complaint/suggestion in respect of  Departmental Canteen to improve better and better.

Monday, 16 April 2012


       In the lunch hour a marvelous and well organized General House Meeting of  Haryana Civil Accounts Association was held in front of office gate on 16.04 2012 at 13.01 hrs on the occasion of our beloved Association’s (“ALL INDIA AUDIT & ACCOUNTS ASSOCIATION”) origin day. A huge number of Haryana Civil Accounts Association Comrades attended the meeting. This meeting was addressed by the Com. Sohan Lal General Secretary, Com. Sushil Kumar President, Com. Shamsher Singh General Secretary AAO Association, Com. Bijender Negi Joint Secretary and Com. Gurprshad and other office bearers.
         Com. Shamsher Singh and Sushil Kumar explained the gathering about the origin of ALL INDIA AUDIT & ACCOUNTS ASSOCIATION and the role of ALL INDIA AUDIT & ACCOUNTS ASSOCIATION in shaping the career progression of all the former leaders and the steps taken for betterment of our organization so the all the employees can enjoy the fruits of hard work. Leaders of Association also explained the reasons for strengthening of local unit “HARYANA CIVIL ACCOUNTS ASSOCIATION” and role of all the members to shape a better future of local unit as well as ALL INDIA AUDIT & ACCOUNTS ASSOCIATION.
       Information was also shared with the gathering about the local unit’s newly created own Website i.e. “www.hcaa-chd.blogspot.com”

Friday, 13 April 2012



A General House meeting will be held on 16-April-2012 (Monday) in front of main gate 
of the office  on the eve of 66th Association Day. All members are requested to attend 
the meeting.

                                                                                                                   (SOHAN LAL)
                                                                                                                   Gen. Secretary.

Copy to The Principal Accountant General (A&E), Haryana for information.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Office bearers

Office bearers
1.      Sushil Kumar Sharma          -           President
2.      Sohan Lal                               -         General Secretary
3.      Anil Saroop                            -         Vice President
4.      Bejinder Singh Negi              -         Joint Secretary
5.      Rajesh Devgan                       -        Treasure
J. C. M.
1.    Sushil Kumar Sharma                     4.         Hans Raj                    
2.    Sohan Lal                                         5.         Rashmi Kaushal
3.    Anil Gupta                                         6.         Om Parkash
Executive Committee Members
1.      Ramesh Kumar                               10.        Anil Bhanot
2.      Arjun Dev                                         11.        Rajinder Sharma
3.      Ajmer Singh                                     12.        Rajinder Kumar
4.      Manju Sharma                                 13.        Kuldip Katoch
5.      Saroj Vats                                        14.       Veena Nagri
6.      Ajay Sharma                                    15.       Gur Prashad
7.      Prit Pal Singh                                               
8.      Sanjay Singh
9.      Ashok Langyan